Calvin Stocker

Calvin Stocker

Director of Regional & Strategic Initiatives

Calvin is the Director of Regional & Strategic Initiatives, and he is energized by developing, supporting, and collaborating with teams on ambitious projects that enable non-profits to go further with less. Calvin has a deep passion for supporting the closure of the opportunity gap that ignited during his time as a Teach for America corps member in the Houston Independent School District.

Calvin's wide range of roles and experiences have provided him with a unique vantage point. This includes growing programming at scale, improving sustainability, and navigating complex change management. He is devoted to partnership development and meticulous about strategic planning for the work he leads with the TPI-US team and its partners. This work encompasses educational policy and licensure, supporting technical support development and implementation, creating meaningful measures for program improvement and monitoring, advising on strategy development, and collaborating with community and philanthropic partners. Additionally, he communicates TPI US’ vision for high-quality teacher preparation to stakeholders nationwide.

Calvin also served as an advisor to the Texas State Board for Educator Certification and the Texas Alternative Certification Association. He is a proud alumnus of the University of Minnesota, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and holds a Masters of Education in Leadership of Learning with a specialization in Digital Learning from Abilene Christian University. During his time at US PREP National Center, Calvin helped grow a national coalition of university-based educator preparation programs. Calvin was also a founding Leading Excellence (LE) Fellow at YES Prep Public Schools and, during his time at the organization, was responsible for developing a technology platform that streamlines collaboration between partners and processes for staff/faculty.

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